The Client


Who are they

NowCPA wanted to distinguish themselves apart from just bookkeepers. They see themselves as coaches, they understand business owners, and they are invested in teaching, not just crunching numbers. They were ready to take their messaging and website to the next level as they were transitioning away from an outdated company name and URL.


Words First

Words lead to more sales. That's why we spend the time needed to get to know you and your ideal clients.


NowCPA came to us having read the book Building a Storybrand. They knew Storybrand was the right approach for them, but were struggling to implement it themselves.

They take a more modern approach as a CPA firm, and wanted to make sure that their ideal clients understood clearly what made them different and the added value they bring compared to a bookkeeper or tax accountant.

The words on their website were going to be incredibly important, but they didn’t want to sacrifice good design either.


To make the messaging more relatable, we used the term "Money Stuff" in the main heading on their home page. This accomplished two things:

  1. It was a great way to summary all the things that a CPA does for a small business and also reinforced the concept of "Simple" by using non-jargony language that your everyday person would understand.
  2. It helped position NowCPA as a relatable, down-to-earth firm.

Top-Tier Design

Good design supports good messaging and increases brand authority.

Driving Design Concept:

NOW CPA needed a website that would captivate a vast audience and speak to the authenticity of their brand. They came to us with an established logo and color palette which included a vibrant green and blue that we incorporated throughout all of the website design elements. Through the use of a modern san-serif font, impactful layouts we were able to display their expertise in a clear and concise way.

Click here to read some tips from our designer

Color & Fonts:


Heading / Medium


Paragraph / Normal

Custom Graphics:

Words First

Words lead to more sales. That's why we spend the time needed to get to know you and your ideal clients.


NowCPA came to us having read the book Building a Storybrand. They knew Storybrand was the right approach for them, but were struggling to implement it themselves.

They take a more modern approach as a CPA firm, and wanted to make sure that their ideal clients understood clearly what made them different and the added value they bring compared to a bookkeeper or tax accountant.

The words on their website were going to be incredibly important, but they didn’t want to sacrifice good design either.


To make the messaging more relatable, we used the term "Money Stuff" in the main heading on their home page. This accomplished two things:

  1. It was a great way to summary all the things that a CPA does for a small business and also reinforced the concept of "Simple" by using non-jargony language that your everyday person would understand.
  2. It helped position NowCPA as a relatable, down-to-earth firm.

Top-Teir Design

Good design supports good messaging and increases brand authority.

Driving Design Concept:

NOW CPA needed a website that would captivate a vast audience and speak to the authenticity of their brand. They came to us with an established logo and color palette which included a vibrant green and blue that we incorporated throughout all of the website design elements. Through the use of a modern san-serif font, impactful layouts we were able to display their expertise in a clear and concise way.

Click here to read some tips from our designer

Color & Fonts:


Heading / Medium


Paragraph / Normal

Custom Graphics:


Our Building Process

01. Platform & Technology

We build our sites on WordPress using an intuitive and easy-to-manage page builder (Beaver Builder). We do this primarily because our clients want a website that is simple enough for them to manage on their own: add blog posts, swap out images, make copy changes.

02. Functionality

Most websites we make are what we call "Marketing Sites." They exist to guide a prospective client through the get-to-know-you phase and hand them off to your sales team. Marketing Sites are generally very simple and do not require much beyond a contact form and Active Campaign integration.

Some of the plugins we used:


A standard website project takes between 11 and 16 weeks, depending on how responsive our clients are able to be when we need their input or feedback. Here are average timeframes:

Onboarding: 1 week

Messaging & Wireframes: 3 weeks

Design & Revisions: 3 weeks

Build: 3 weeks

Revisions: 4 weeks

Launch: 1 week

We had our kick-off call with NowCPA on August 3rd and launched their site on Jan 18th.

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After screenshot of Moffatt Product's homepage.

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A lot of small businesses owners have a nagging suspicion that their website could be so much more. They're right. Change is easier than you think.

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